Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Descargar PDF Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

Descargar PDF Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

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Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

Descargar PDF Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

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Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu

Sinopsis Imported from China, this DVD presents the kicking, striking, blocking and acrobatic skills of authentic Shaolin Kung Fu. The program begins with an exciting group demonstration as these skilled practitioners show off their weapons and empty-handed skills. Then individual monks demonstrate hand strikes, blocks, stances, combinations, stretching exercises and kicks, including the jumping kicks and acrobatics characteristic of Shaolin Kung Fu. The Chinese name for each technique is given and all skills are shown from the front and side views, with several repetitions at varying speeds. If you are curious about how this authentic Chinese art is practised in China or if you are a practitioner looking for instruction by highly skilled practitioners, this DVD is for you. Approximate running time: 60 minutes.Editor=People's Sports Publishing House,China (3 de abril de 2006). Idioma=Chino. ISBN-10=7887212839. ISBN-13=978-7887212832. Valoración media de los clientes=Sé el primero en opinar sobre este producto.

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Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu PDF

Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu PDF

Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu PDF
Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Basic Skills in Shaolin Wushu PDF

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